Friday, July 01, 2005

Original Intro

Dear readers,
Doesn't that sound so typical of something an author would write? Yeah, I agree.

Anyway, I figured I'd better put an introduction on my blog, for the sole purpose of being absolutely certain that nobody will ever read it. I mean seriously, who in their right mind reads introductions when the tantalizing 'good stuff' is just inches below? You obviously do. So, for anyone who is actually reading this, I just want to make one thing perfectly clear: Chunky Bacon.

Enjoy the blog!

Oh, and I suppose I should state the purpose of this blog, since (after all) this IS the introduction that nobody reads, and you're $UPPO$ED to put something in the introduction that is kinda important, just so that people miss out. I'm hoping that this blog is different than most blogs I've read, simply in the way that... it's enjoyable to read! I'm only going to post things here that I think you (the reader) will find enjoyable or entertaining. Ok, now this introduction is WAY too long, which just goes to confirm my suspicions that nobody will ever blah blah blah

Enjoy the blog!


At 7:30 AM, Blogger T. Stephen Albright said...

Before you ask the question: "Why is this post dated June 2006?", I'll tell you. I wanted this intro to stay at the top of the blog, so I dated it a year later so it wouldn't get bumped down by new posts, k? So don't waste your breath asking. Oh, and I was totally serious about the Chunky Bacon.

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Chi said...

What's "Chunky Bacon" and why should it be perfectly clear?

At 6:10 AM, Blogger Phil said...

Are you serious? Chunky Bacon? Chunky BACON? ***CHUNKY BACON***!

I wonder what Dr. Cham would say if he could see this....


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