Saturday, July 02, 2005

MSN Messenger Conspiracy

Conspiracy: (n) an act done in secret, often illegal, that is hidden from the public by fabricated common knowledge (history, evidence, etc).

Take a close look at these two pictures. Recognize them? You should: they are the two most widely used emoticons on MSN Messenger. This yellow face has invaded computers all over the world with its charming features and blatant expressions. You probably feel like you know this yellow baldhead like you know your best friend. But do you?

Take one more look at those two headshots. Do you notice anything interesting or disturbing about either of them? How about the fact that one of them has eyebrows and the other doesn't! These MSN people have been trying to make us believe that there is only ONE yellow-headed baldy on our computer screens... when there are actually TWO! 13 of the 25 emoticons have eyebrows, while the other 12 do not!

Naturally, after realizing this disturbing matter, my team of experts went immediately to work to dig up the reason behind why MSN Messenger would go and pull a mean trick like that. As was expected, nobody would tell us anything. However, during the process of all our intense research, we found something deeper and equally disturbing.

Brace yourselves for this one. If you look closely at these two pictures, presumably of the same person (the guy with the eyebrows), you probably won't notice anything odd about them. But to the trained eye, the inconsistency is obvious. The face on the left is darker than the one on the right! I'm serious. Did this guy go tanning between photo shoots? Or is it possible that there are actually three yellow men, two with eyebrows and one without?! The speculations are endless...

What does all this mean? At the moment, we know little more than you do. As we uncover new facts and evidence, we will post them here to keep you, the naive public, informed. As for now, all we have is theories:

1. The MSN government may have become fed up with their model's constant demand for raises and publicity... how they got rid of him, nobody knows...

2. Maybe MSN scientists are breeding genetically altered humans with yellow heads, and are keeping them locked up in their underground laboratories, feeding them dogfood and forcing them to pose for photos...

3. Could it be that there is no yellow-headed man at all? That MSN is creating these realistic images with the help of state-of-the-art computer software? However unlikely, we cannot ignore this possibility...

If you have any other theories or leads, feel free to post comments. As I said, we are all very much still in the dark about the entire issue right now. If I were you, though, I would lock my doors at night.


At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm... here's a thought for you buddy: Why CONSPIRACY? You graciously defined the term for us in the beginning, and forgive me if I'll just put it here again:

"an act done in secret, often illegal, that is hidden from the public by fabricated common knowledge (history, evidence, etc)"

First of all, who says msn tried to hide the fact that there are two or three different yellow-headed baldies appearing on our screens? They needed different models to pose for different faces, so what? Perhaps they couldn't find one talented enough to do them all. What if we all weren't supposed to think that it was one an the same head? Most of us were just stupid enough to not take a closer look!

Second, illegal? You came up with some very creative theories there, but I must say that you have outruled the most simple possibility: msn just painted the faces of their models yellow! I've seen many people do this publicly on holloween. Don't think they went to jail for that. And even if it wasn't a person, they could have just used a tennis ball. Perhaps the first one rolled under the table by accident and thus had to be replaced. However, I still don't see anything illegal about that. Never heard of anything called "abuse of tennis balls is punishable by law."

If you are accusing msn of a crime (and it sounds like you are), I'd say that there is enough possibilty that they haven't done anything wrong. So, either you can prove to me that there is NO possibility for innocence in this case, or you think about calling it something other than "conspiracy."

At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

msn should get a lawyer to defend its case. you have such strong evidence against them. ;)

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The subject matter is not what makes me cringe, it's the fact that you would put that much effort into something so pointless and, frankly, not amusing.

At 6:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, Mr. Anonymous, I thought it was quite amusing!!

Hey Steve, I love reading what you write!

Catherine (your cousin!)

At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

woah, this is awesome! what if the yellow smiley was an actual person in disguise decieving the entire world? like..... Osama bin Laden!


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